
Integration with WoWonder Platform

Integrations with latest WoWonder Platform are included in extension/wowonder/XX folders. Wowonder, Sunshine and Wondertag themes are supported.

Link to LiveSmart dashboard panel

Dashboard panel

From the message panel you can start a video call with the remote attendee

When you start a call, you will be notified from the Message facility and the LiveSmart notification system.

LiveSmart URL must be set in WoWonder administration panel.

Demo page for Wowonder theme is available here with admin user admin1/admin1234 and regular user demo1/demo1234.

Integration with Wondertag theme

Demo with Wondertag theme is available here with same users – admin1/admin1234 and demo1/dmeo1234

Integration with PlayTube

Integration with PlayTube 2.0.3 and 2.0 is included in extension/playtube/2.0 folder. Demo is available here.

Integration with LatePoint Plugin

LiveSmart integration with LatePoint is included from 2.0.20 release in extension/latepoint/XX folder. When a visitor creates a booking, it automatically creates a scheduled meeting for this booking in LiveSmart.

Integration with DocTreat Theme

LiveSmart integration with DocTreat is included from 1.3.8 release in extension/doctreat/1.3.8 folder. LiveSmart dashboard is included in the doctor dashboard. When a patient books an appointment, it is automatically created in the LiveSmart dashboard.

Other platforms and systems

LiveSmart has been successfully integrated in PHP Pro Bid.
If you need more information about integrating with these platforms, please do check the contact options or visit our support forum.

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