I see “Connection failed. Reconnecting…” message

1. Check config/config.json is a valid JSON file here https://jsonlint.com/

2. Make sure you have installed and setup correctly signaling server:
 – ws/server – did you do here npm install
 – ws/server/config.json – did you set correct certificate and key path?
   “sslKey”: “../ssl/key.pem”,
   “sslCert”: “../ssl/cert.pem”,
 – make sure port 9001 is opened in your firewall
 – in config/config.json
   “appWss”: “https://YOUR_DOMAIN:9001/”, should be your domain name;
 – make sure you use HTTPS everywhere;
 – make sure you are running the signaling server with pm2:
 (you can install it with npm install pm2 -g)
 in ws/server do pm2 start server.js

3. In sample agent.html page
<script src="YOUR_DOMAIN/js/loader.v2.js" data-source_path="YOUR_DOMAIN/" ></script>
must be of the type
<script src="https://domain.com/js/loader.v2.js" data-source_path="https://domain.com/" ></script>